Being a homeowner can often turn into a tricky situation whenever you have tenants renting your home. Tenant complaints can turn into a chaotic situation, one you could easily resolve by knowing how to handle them correctly. Nevertheless, there are some unavoidable complaints that you are going to have to experience given that tenants will always have something that they aren’t completely happy about. Nevertheless, the first thing that you always have to keep in mind, is that regardless of the situation, you always want to resolve the conflict and support your tenant given that they are renting your home. Not only should you strive to be a good host, but it is important that you are complaisant and peaceful whenever you are resolving an issue with them.
Here are some of the best practices you can use when dealing with tenant related issues.
Listen to the Complaint
The first part of dealing with a tenant related issue is to listen to the complaint. Your tenant only wants to be heard and ignoring them only makes the entire issue bigger. The first step to resolve the issue is to listen to the complaint and help them feel understood and heard.
Nothing makes a tenant more mad than knowing that their complaint is being ignored.
Be Accessible
From the very first moment your tenant comes to live in your location, let them know that they are free to contact you and reach you with any question or complaint. By being more open about the entire situation your tenants already know that you are willing to listen and that you are an understanding person. Having them know that you are someone that they can always reach, it gives them a deeper connection with you, so that if a problem were to occur, they might have a kinder approach at the beginning.
Be Professional
Be professional about the entire situation. Remember your position and in any tenant related issue remember what your position is and use it to your advantage. It is always good to keep a close relationship with your tenants however, you always want them to know who is in charge.
Have A Contract, Always
The best way to protect yourself is by having a contract and having your tenants sign it before living in your place. Make rules and have them read it and agree to the terms by signing it. You could even avoid certain legal consequences if you have things written down on paper beforehand. Make sure you have copies and give your tenants a signed copy as well so that they are aware of the existence of the rules. Make sure you disclose every little thing in this contract, given that in any big tenant issue, this paper could be a lifesaver. Write down the rules, the do’s and the don’ts, and have your tenants agree to the terms right from the beginning.